Saturday, September 29, 2012


Recent studies have concluded that expressions of gratitude can have profound and positive effects on our health, our moods and even the survival of our marriages.  A growing body of research also shows that gratitude is truly amazing in its physical and psychosocial benefits. 

We don't have to look far for reasons to despair.   However, in cultivating a sense of genuine gratitude in ALL things (1 Thess. 5:18), life gets better not just for us, but for everyone around us.  

I began my own "intentional" journey of gratitude almost one year ago, while reading  One Thousand Gifts, by Ann Voskamp, with my daughter Sarah (a gift in itself).

With each passing day my list grows, but at nine months and counting, it has become way more than just "a list"  (and some amateur photography).     It has become a daily reminder to bow my heart in gratitude, finding beauty in the mundane, making the small stuff count for more than the bad stuff, and looking at everything in life with new purpose and a thankful perspective!

673.  The colors of autumn. 

674.  The silver lining in every cloud. 

675.  The wilderness, don't miss it (there's something to be learned there too).

676.  Celebrating new life (with old friends in new houses)  

677.  A perfect autumn day.  

678.  Friendships, birthdays and layered pumpkin cheese cake.  

For another day my sense of well-being leaves me happy, healthy and giving thanks in ALL things. 
May expressions of gratitude do the same for you. 


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Apocolyptic Tremors --A BOOK REVIEW

My hunger to better understand the book of Revelation, the end times and current events all wrapped up in one, led me to this book, Apocalyptic Tremors by C R Chapman.   
The writer certainly left me with an appreciation for her willingness to take a hard look at scripture and the desire to “get it right”.   But, her style and format proved difficult at best, and I found myself struggling to maintain interest.    For me it wasn’t about agreeing or disagreeing with everything she wrote, rather, it was about an increased understanding, which I personally was not able to take away.  I would consider Apocalyptic Tremors a good study or commentary resource, but if you are looking for a cover to cover read, probably not.   