Friday, December 25, 2009



Preparations are underway for another heart warming Christmas Eve Service as well as everything that goes along with our “usual” Christmas morning. The luminaries line the streets and as dusk draws nigh, I reflect on “expectations of Christmas”.

I make my way through the huge wooden doors to the church. Candlelight and carols fill the air, and.... so does the knot in my throat.
This is our first Christmas Eve without Sarah and the “normalcy” of expectations and traditions feel challenged, changed, and taken away. Although I may not always like it, after 40 years I have finally learned (and in some ways am still learning) to “stand still and see His Glory”.
As you read the remainder of this Christmas Day blog and “Expectant Christmas Reflections” I hope you will be inspired to do the same.

For a weary, stranded traveler who exchanges a warm and festive meal around the table with loved ones, for bad weather, cancelled flights and the uncertainty of what tomorrow will hold…....hope was still born and the glory of the Lord revealed.
For the young mother who struggles to comfort the fevered brow of her child, instead of decorating, caroling and baking…….hope was still born and the glory of the Lord revealed.
Unfortunate circumstances give way to broken homes and broken hearts. Any hopes of happy and joyful Christmas times will have to be put off until next year or the next….but even in that, hope is still born and the glory of the Lord revealed.
The missionary family who embraces the “unplanned”, because there is no other choice (or electricity), exchanges fresh made enchiladas and swimming, for a rainy day and dinner out…hope is still born and the glory of the Lord revealed.
Mary and Joseph resort to a Bethlehem stable because there is no room at the inn…. HOPE IS BORN AND THE GLORY OF THE LORD IS REVEALED!!

Between you and me, there are a thousand and one more “real life” scenarios we could add to this list. But let me ask you, what did Christmas look like this year compared to what you expected it to look like? Maybe everything went perfectly and as planned, but maybe, just maybe it didn’t.
We have 17 more days before we see Sarah face to face. And, although we wait with great expectation, our hearts are learning to take great comfort in the unexpected, in the different, and in the HAND-PICKED, HAND-DESIGNED expectations of the Father (Just like that very first Christmas Night)!
Then and only then, is hope born and HIS glory revealed.


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Our Wednesday sendoff has given way to safe flights, arrivals, and an overall
excitement for new experiences and friendships. In pure Sarah fashion, she warmed
the hearts of everyone around her…and in the end, got an upgrade from World Traveler to World Traveler Plus.

It has only been two days, but knowing she is half way around the world, my heart is
thrilled when a dichotomy of events…. and technology (that I usually take for granted) brings us together for a brief moment.

The day has been long, wintery cold and busy, and the lateness of the hour leaves me tired and somewhat weary. As I wrap up some thoughts and details in emails and journal entries, I pause before closing down the computer for the night.

The warmth of the morning sun awakens her earlier than usual….she pauses and opens up her computer for the day.
She is saying good morning, I am saying goodnight. Conversation was brief and light, but drifting off to sleep I thanked God for “perfect timing”, for the “little things” and for watching over my girl and keeping her in His care.

With a new day comes a winter wonderland of snow, snow and more snow! It is a “stay-at-home” kind of day filled with baking Christmas treats and cooking comfort foods. The aroma in the house is warm and rich! Sarah’s culinary gifts and her usual longing for a white Christmas makes my heart a little sad that she isn’t here.
But then, the click of the mouse brings us together again for a brief moment. As I take a break in between the baking trays of cookies, she shares with me the delights of her first few days in Kenya (and, her new cookie baking partner, Melia). It seems a good fit. Night time is drawing near for her and as she settles in to watch a movie with her “new & temporary” family… heart is glad that she has them….AND, that they have her!


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It is the eve of Sarah’s departure…..We get to watch her do what she loves most…. Singing!
After a night of concerts at the high school, we go home to enjoy a pizza together and put the finishing touches on packing.
Now, the house is quiet and I sort through an array of emotions and thoughts:

Tear stained
Won’t you  journey with me?

Up until now we have anticipated and prepared, we have invested time in understanding what it is to “serve with eyes wide open.” We have taken the necessary steps required to stay healthy and safe….shots, passports, and eating lots of blueberries and pinto beans to boost the immunity. We have opened our hearts and minds to God’s Word and His leading. (even when it wasn’t easy) And, we have worked hard crunching homework assignments and meeting deadlines and auditions (well at least Sarah has).
Walking in the Center of His will has served me well all the days of my life! Now, as I wrestle with my emotional mother’s heart on this eve of goodbye’s….I expect nothing less. In many ways this is a BIG ADVENTURE for Sarah, but I also know that she understands the sobriety of it all and the eternal implications that will be indelibly stamped into who she is and what she is becoming.

There is something to be said for valuing a full and meaningful life.  Journaling, for me,  has been a means to capturing ALL OF IT. So as she goes, I send her off with her own journal, to fill in the lines as only she can. It is a mere gift today, but one day it will become a collection of her thoughts, memories, treasures, and ultimately, a very special chapter in the story of her life.
How proud we are of her, for taking this giant step of faith, for being both brave and sensitive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit in her young life, for becoming a beautiful woman of God who has enjoyed some of the finer things in life, but isn’t afraid to strip it all away either.

As I tuck her in one last time (at least for a good long while) there isn’t a doubt in my mind that her exuberant and authentic life will radiate good deeds, good gospel and good journaling.
I already long for they day when you return, my dear girl Sarah. But until that time,
EVERYTHING that IS and IS TO COME….I surrender to you Lord.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Max Lucado's NEW RELEASE 9/08/09
The one statement Jesus made more than any other was, “Fear Not”. In his newest book, Imagine Life Without Fear, Max Lucado unpacks a very educational, motivational and inspiring message to a world entangled in fear. From the earliest followers of Christ to the everyday man and woman of the 21st century, fear is no stranger. Learn how to better focus your sights upon the one who said, “take courage, I am here”. Though fear fills our world, it doesn’t have to fill our hearts. This is definitely a book that will redirect your doubt and position your hearts to be “fear-less”.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Book Review Blog

The Hole In Our Gospel, by Richard Stearns is a book unparalleled to any other in calling us to a deeper place of commitment & understanding of the Great Commission. One can talk about being fishers of men, one can get excited about making a difference and impacting the lives of fellow human beings, but until one TRULY understands the magnitude of need, and what making a difference REALLY looks like through the magnifying glass of the "whole gospel" we are hard pressed to get it right.
This book is a powerhouse of facts, real life examples lived out, and scripture, all woven together to create a masterpiece that brings the reader face to face with the Whole Gospel. Beware, it is radical and convicting! (In a great way).

If you are: compelled to greatness or desire accurate information, if you are moved with compassion and desire to be Christs hands extended, if you are affluent and self sufficient, if you are lukewarm and lack for not much of anything, if you sit in church week after week and don't really know why, or even if you love the Lord with all your heart mind and soul, this book is for you and a must read!
Whatever our views are, wherever our priorities lie, reading this book is sure to bring us one step closer (if not a hundred steps closer) to lining up with the "whole gospel".