Saturday, September 10, 2011

It Is Well With My Soul

Ok, so after a day like yesterday I am thinking to myself, "they are gonna be hard pressed to beat that".  Sheila Walsh and Henry Cloud are certainly a tough act to follow in my book.  But, in pure Women Of Faith Style, they did it again. 

On the eve of the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 how appropriate it was to begin our time with an incredibly moving standing ovation for the men and women in uniform serving our country, and all those who bravely gave their lives for our freedom.   Just as we started our morning so we would end it.   A standing ovation, except this time for Heaven, as  Sheila sang How Great Thou Art. (I get goosebumps just typing it)
Mary and Mary Singing GOD BLESS AMERICA with Natalie Grant

Natalie Grant singing It Is Well

Through countless words of exhortation, psalms of praise, stories of brokenness and healing through more of God's promises and finally, Natalie Grant singing an acappella, spirit-lifting, heart-stopping rendition of IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL,  I was refilled with a keen sense of awareness & wonder (and yes, a few more goosebumps). 

The Sheperd knows where to find us (no matter what our trouble)-Sheila Walsh
God sees us even when we don't see him. - Lisa Harper
God takes our trash and turns it into treasure. - Nicole Johnson
He takes our pain and gives it purpose. - Nicole Johnson
Live a full life, make it count, because nobody said you couldn't. - Lucy Swindoll

Right down to the final song sung, the final word spoken, ten thousand women today had every reason to leave a hockey arena right in the heart of Phildadelphia with lifelong blessings pressed down shaken together and running over.   What started out for me as a blogging assignment during a season of tremendous change and some clouded vision, ended up being a Divine Appointment!   And that, Women of Faith, is well with my soul.


Friday, September 9, 2011

IMAGINE.....A Divine Appointment!

One cup of coffee and the morning rush of Philadelphia  behind me, when I find myself in the arena at my very first ever Women of Faith Conference.  The opening speaker takes the stage and shares that beautiful promise found in Ephesians 3:20 about "God doing exceedingly, abundantly more than we could ever think or imagine".  It was then I knew, this was far more than a fun day out with the girls or another opportunity to be filled up to full and overflowing with the Word, and a great lineup of amazing speakers.   You see, Ephesians 3:20 is one of my life verses, and for me, today turned out to be...     
Sheila Walsh
Henry Cloud
Sheila Walsh and Henry Cloud would share the stage for the better part of the day and WOW!   From laughter to tears and back again, here is a small glimpse of the full gamut  that fed our hearts, our minds and our souls.                                     

Changing seasons (look at every one through the window of the Word)
Brokeness revealed and hope restored (you can't have one without the other)
The promise of peace (John 14:27)
There is indeed a time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3)
The map and 4 corners of life patterns (you have GOT TO GO to corner 4)
And last, but certainly not least....
Healthy boundaries, realistic goals and a few monkies in our lives......IS ESSENTIAL).

Today was so much MORE than I could've ever imagined, but then again....what are divine appointments anyway?   I can't wait for tomorrow. 


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

WOMEN OF FAITH----48 hour countdown

Well the time has come.  In just 2 short days I will be making the trek into that most beloved city...PHILADELPHIA, to enjoy my very first ever Women of Faith Conference.   I am going with great expectation!  Not just for myself but for you too.   Check into my blog Friday night and Saturday night for tid-bits of truth, inspiration, and as always, writings from my keyboard that say it.....Crystal Clear.
Off to the city of Brotherly Love :)