Thursday, November 24, 2011

EARLY IN THE MORNING--My song will rise to Thee!

 For as long as I can remember the stillness of the early morning hours has always brought about a heightened sense of THANKSGIVING.   Growing up on a dairy farm, meant a lot of early mornings.    As I would trudge my way to the barn under the clear moonlit sky,  (even through my sleepy teenage eyes) there was a deep sense of peace that gave way to THANKFULNESS.   The early days of my professional career had me walking the streets from my 3rd floor apartment to the community hospital downtown for a double shift.  The only activity along the way was the flicker of the street lights and the corner bakery.  Yet again, a deep sense of goodness and joy gave way to THANKFULNESS.  Life would later bring with it wedding bells and precious little babies, and yep, you guessed it.....early morning hours.  As the glider moved back and forth, the sweetness and wonder of new seasons in life gave way to THANKFULNESS.   There have been some blunders along the way too.  Seasons that have spelled grief and heartache and pain, but even in those moments of early morning wakefulness, no one could deny that  God's presence right in the midst, left my heart overflowing with THANKFULNESS.   I rise early today, for there is much to do.  Food and tables to prepare, guests to entertain, friendship to be shared and so many blessings to count----but before I begin, I pause.  The sun is kissing the earth, a new day is dawning and in the perfect stillness, my heart is overflowing with a song of THANKSGIVING.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tea Time Thankfulness

 You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me. ~C.S. Lewis

Somehow, I don't even mind that the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting colder.  I've come to savor this time of year.  Just as the season of harvest is coming to an end and the fields are quieted for a much needed rest,  so do I settle in....with a good book, a cup of hot tea and a heart overflowing with THANKSGIVING.

It's the simple pleasures of autumn leaves and blue cloudless skies that stretch out with ease.  The north wind is blowing, the fire is glowing and my family knows abundance from diligently sowing.  As I gather my thoughts, and assess the results, I am blessed beyond measure with goodness I treasure.  Who would think through the rigors of life's daily clutter, would yield such contentment and peace for another.  I'm thankful for so many wonders discovered, yet so many more in life to uncover.  Faithful with all that you give to me Lord, in the stillness of my heart, I  long to give back to you so much more.   