Not long after arriving back into town, I purchase a copy for myself. It will surely be the perfect mother-daughter read over Christmas break. However, in a moment of spontaneous gratitude, I gift it away to a lifelong friend. I wonder what One Thousand Gifts will become to her. Christmas is just around the corner now when my sister arrives with shopping bargains in hand. I am ecstatic to find a copy for me and a copy for her. What will One Thousand Gifts become to us?
Christmas passes, a New Year dawns and we relish the evenings for reading, my girl and I do. Almost finished with the book now, One Thousand Gifts is real, it’s deep, eucharisteo, becoming personal. We are counting our gifts, with gratitude, one day at a time, One Thousand in all. At the very top of my list….…. The value of time spent with a friend.
It is a good book Crystal, I have been working my way through it also. :)