You don't have to know me well, to know I AM A PLANNER. Planning has been a vital component in multiplying my joys and dividing my sorrows, for the better part of 40 years....and although I won't be changing that anytime soon, I have a growing appreciation for the UNPLANNED.
Most recently, it was physical discomfort and dental necessity that required Sarah to have 4 wisdom teeth extracted. Although she might have chosen to script her very first college spring break differently, it was the slower pace of recovery, the beauty of springtime and choosing a thankful heart that yielded "unplanned" additions to our list of 1000 gifts.
210. Sleeping with the windows open and white sheer curtains blowing in the breeze.
211. Curling up on the couch for 4 hours and watching Gone With The Wind.
212. Taking the entire day off to make sure she ate her applesauce and stayed pain free.
217. An uneventful course to recovery.
218. Matt's first baseball game of the season. (a win)
219. Sitting in the sun and working in our flower gardens.
221. Quality time teaching my 18 year old daughter there is more than one way to dry clothes. (see picture)
Actually, hanging the clothes out to dry, was her idea.
222. Blaring music and singing in the car (kids with parents)
223. The greater gift is that they still love to do it at age 15 and 18.
224. That feeling of total contentment, special memories made, even while packing to take Sarah back to college.
Planned or otherwise, gifts are all around.
I love the simplicity of the gift list - being thankful for the basic little things that we often forget