Friday, October 6, 2017


As a young girl growing up without a father in the home, life wasn't always easy.  But God, in his infinite wisdom, grace and mercy, always saw fit to bless my family (both as a child and as an adult), with  some of the best men on the planet.....Godly Men, Great Pastors! They served and taught and guided....AND, they loved our family unconditionally and often with great sacrifice.   

When I think of life in the big picture (and in the everyday too), 

Eventually, I would go on to marry a Godly Man, one who is also a Great Pastor.   Our journey has been one of great honor!  Thru all the loving, serving, teaching, exhorting, and equipping ---- we've done life and ministry in a lot of places and with a lot of people.  
We've collected our own box over the years, filled with notes of encouragement, gifts of appreciation and stories of "making all the difference", and we treasure them deeply.   But this October, and every October really, we look beyond ourselves and say THANK YOU to all the Great Pastors who have played a part in our lives....Shaping our family, our story, and our own call to ministry.  
To the ones who serve us......
To the ones we serve with.....
Thank you for making a difference. 
With gratitude and appreciation for Pastors everywhere.  

"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you
and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you 
and give you peace."  Numbers 6:24-26

Thursday, September 28, 2017


 Realizing there are likely more years behind than in front, can be quite sobering.  But I learned a long time ago, put anything in the right perspective, and it becomes an opportunity.
In honor of ALL the seasons that have quietly shaped me,
In celebration of ALL the seasons that have loudly and boldly made me,              
And ALL the ones still to come, here are 50 LIFE LESSONS ON MY 50th     (#hashtagsincluded)

  1. FAITH, FRIENDS AND FAMILY…these are everything!
  2. Surround yourself with people who aren’t afraid to CELEBRATE you, CHALLENGE you, CARRY you… these make all the difference. (coming soon, in my blog:  A Portfolio Of Friendship—50 Years and Counting)
  3. Vulnerable communion is a risk….but a risk WELL WORTH taking.
  4. Communicate well! Listen well!
  5. FEAR GOD and OBEY HIS COMMANDS. (period)   Eccles 12: 13&14
  6. A STUDENT and a TEACHER….be willing to be both, IN EVERY SEASON!  
  7. Every road travelled teaches something new.  
  8. Experience is GREAT….Virtue and Character are GREATER.
  9. Fruit doesn’t lie! (and I’m not talking about apples, oranges and grapes) #thefruitofyourlife
  10. Meaning comes not from filling oneself up, rather it comes from pouring oneself out.  #bepouredout
  11. BE PROACTIVE!!---a great phrase, a great philosophy….just ask my kids.  
  12. Don’t put off for tomorrow, what you can do today. (kinduv goes hand in hand with being proactive)
  13. The Truth WILL set you free!  Always seek to KNOW The Truth.    
  14. Wisdom is a tree of life to those who embrace her; happy are those who hold her tightly.  Prov 3:18
  15. ACTIONS speak louder than WORDS. (lining them up, takes character and maturity)
  16. There IS power in prayer!  #prayoften   
  17. Spend LESS TIME keeping up and MORE TIME enjoying right where you’re at!  #golden
  18. There is a time for everything!  EXPECT CHANGE!  ACCEPT LIMITATIONS!  ENJOY LIFE!  Eccles 3
  19. Making a living isn’t the same thing as making a life.  #learnthedifferencefindthebalance
  20. A job worth doing is worth doing right!   #mymotto  
  21. On Parenting… THERE IS NO GREATER CALLING!!  #stewarditwell
  22. On being a BRIDE… It’s about your day!
  23. On being the MOTHER OF THE BRIDE…. It’s about your daughters day!  Knowing the difference allows for a perfect, beautiful, special, one-of-a-kind, forever memory, shared with deep joy and great honor.
  1. On the Empty Nest…it’s a time to reminisce, but more importantly, a time to re-discover. Falling in love with the same person over and over never gets old (but it does take intentional work and commitment).
  2. On Grandparenting...stay tuned, I’ll know in a few short weeks.  #JustcallmeNANA.
  3. On Failure…it isn’t as daunting at 50 as it was at 25. (I’ve experienced it, lived thru it & grown up because of it)
  4. On life’s hard knocks…don't fear them.  Face them! They refine, make wise and strong. #ittakesguts
  5. “There really is a silver lining in every cloud, you just have to want to see it.” -Alice Jane Blythe 1914-2016 (from my in-home interview with her in 1998) #sheisright

  6. Dark times are never easy, but just as the color black adds depth and contrast to the artist's creation, so the dark times in life add depth and contrast and give beauty to the whole.  
  7. Life’s brightest moments often come after the darkest hours. Scripture says it best, Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning. Psalm 30:5
  8. It takes GREAT TRUST to believe in the smallness of beginnings. (revelations from a church planters wife )
  9. First steps are the bravest, they start the journey.  Don’t fear the first steps…..
  10. But finish well too.  
  11. Look beyond your scope of comfort. There’s always more to see (the people in #2 will help you).
  12. Those who are confident are often misread by those who aren’t….BE CONFIDENT ANYWAY!
  13. The good you do today, won’t always be noticed.  DO GOOD ANYWAY!
  14. “Don’t compare what you know about yourself with what you don’t know about someone else.”  (wise words from a wise man, aka Pastor Rick, my husband of 26 years.)
  15. Country life, City life…they each have their place.  I much prefer the country.
  16. Open your windows and let the sunshine in.
  17. Eat healthy.  Indulge sparingly.  Exercise Regularly.
  18. Don’t be afraid to “pluck thistles” figuratively speaking….but, plant your fair share of flowers too.
  19. Black and White really is sometimes Gray… took me a long time (like 50 years) to learn this.
  20. There is always room at the table.  (evaluate often who is at your table)
  21. BUSY is a choice.  STRESS is a choice.  JOY is a choice.   #choosewell!
  22. Shake hands, look people in the eye and say PLEASE and THANK YOU  #commoncourtesy
  23. A merry heart doeth good, like medicine.  (Be Joyful)  Prov 17:22
  24. Laugh often, but don’t be afraid to cry either.
  25. SIMPLIFY….and when you lose sight, simplify again….and again.
  26. As much as my 40’s were fueled by ambition, I want my 50’s to be fueled by compassion.  
  27. Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.  They are new every morning.  Great is His Faithfulness, Oh Lord.  Lamentations 3:22-24
Hello 50,  I'm so Grateful! 
C R Y S T A L 

Tuesday, June 27, 2017


It was 1995 when the first Toy Story Movie hit the big screen.  By 1999 Toy Story 2 was being released, and we had a 2-year-old and a 5-year-old in the house.   It didn't take long for those famous words of Buzz Lightyear to become a frequent part of our household vocabulary.  "To infinity and beyond".

In our meager attempts as parents to quantify the great love we had for our small children, it often became a Saturday morning (and even sometimes, a bedtime) ritual.

Cushions removed and placed on the floor (for safe landing), their tiny legs would climb up the couch and they would wait.
"How much do we love you?"  With gleeful, "fullness of life" squeals, they would take flight,  leaping through the air (just like Buzz), proclaiming proudly and joyfully, "to finity and byond!" (that was the 2-year-old). 

The couch and the kids. Couldn't find an action shot, sorry :)

The word infinity has many forms. Infinite, infinitely, finite... all defined by some means of endlessness, boundlessness, limitlessness, or without measure.   In other words, the love for our children was and still is so big and so great it never ends, it is without limits...."To Infinity and Beyond!" 

It isn't surprising that God (in all of His perfectness) uses the words of the Apostle Paul to reveal his great love for us.  As a young wife and mother then,  his words found a resounding place in my heart.   Words that would confidently carry me thru many miles and changing seasons.  Words that have profoundly marked my walk. 

And may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love really is.  May you experience the love of Christ, though it is so great you will never fully understand it.  Then you will be filled with the fullness of life and power that comes from God.  Now glory be to God!  By his mighty power at work within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope.   Ephesians 3:18-20

As I sit on "that couch" (one of the few remaining pieces of furniture in our home today, from that era),  I am keenly aware... despite life's fears and failures, despite any obstacles or unfulfilled dreams...

What are you daring to ask for?  What are you hoping for?  His mighty power is at work!  
Even when we don't fully understand it, we can be filled with the fullness of life that comes from it!  Walk with confidence in his "infinitely more". 


Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Consider intently, the life all around you..... your neighborhood, your community,  your job, and yes, even your church... 
 One doesn't have to look far to see it or listen long to hear it.......
There's a hunger!  There's a need!  There's a passion!  
Encouragement...  Strength....  Inspiration...  Understanding...  Depth...  Unity....
Fulfillment...   Joy...   Contentment...   Togetherness...    Hope...

I recently prepared and shared some scrolls with a group of beautiful women (and moms)  in my life. 
The scrolls held a three-fold purpose...

1.  To offer an intentional focus 
2.  To spur them on and encourage their hearts 
3.   To inspire them to read, to write and to pray....HIS WORD 
(and I'm leading the way) 

Writing Psalm 119: 90 this morning, reminds me that, "his faithfulness extends to every generation, as enduring as the earth He created".  

This brings great comfort and peace to my heart as I prepare to celebrate my own daughter becoming a mama.  I hold onto this great truth for my precious first grandbaby.  

I'm so grateful for the things in our lives that bring us the "MORE" we all desire. 
But I want to encourage you today,  through all of the busy-ness, through all of the striving, 
Consider intently....
To Read His Word!  To Write His Word!  To Pray His Word!  

You'll be amazed at what you hear, at what you how it will change your hunger, your needs and your passion.  

My child, keep my words and store up my commands within you, guard my teachings as the apple of your eye.  Bind them on your fingers, write them on the tablet of your heart.  Proverbs 3:1-3


Friday, May 12, 2017


The hallways of time hold dear a treasure chest of memories.  Each treasure and every memory, tell a story.   The rows and rows of neatly stacked, brilliantly colored boxes are filled with unfailing love, laughter and the warmth and comfort of togetherness.  These boxes by far outnumber the other boxes, but to be heartfelt, is to examine ALL of the   treasures.  There are some slightly tarnished silver tools in one corner.  They represent the values and lessons of hard work.  The
empty space over to the side represents the discipline of doing without or making the most of what little we did have.  Scattered throughout various places in my treasure chest are some grey looking boxes, tattered and worn from tears and struggles that adversity and heartache rendered.  
           A cracked and delicate teapot wrapped in a lace doily signifies to me the never ending pouring out of wisdom thru gentle words, and sometimes necessarily harsh words.  At the center of it all lies the most cherished treasure of all....a small leather bible.  This is a constant reminder to grow in faith and worship and praise, and to always know where to find "guidance in" or "shelter from" the storm.  Your example, your love and your encouragement have remained steady through the good and the bad, through doors opening, and yes, even some doors closing. Thru the ever changing seasons in our lives, you have given to me as a a a wife.....and as a MOTHER, more than I could ever have asked for!
You have sacrificed much to give me tangible treasures!  But, the ones that are most precious go to the depth of my being and make me who I am today.  These are by far.....more precious than rubies. 

My daughter Sarah, My mother Julia, and Me


Wednesday, April 19, 2017


a never-before-shared, journal entry.

It is a blustery cold October evening and I am sitting in the parking lot of a local Taco Bell with my 12-year-old son.  The 2008 World Series has come to Philadelphia and there is a palpable excitement everywhere we go.  Taco Bell has partnered with MLB and is offering a free taco for every stolen base in the world series.

On this Tuesday night the 28th day of October 2008, between the hours of 2 pm and 6 pm, there is a never ending line of kids (and their adults) gathering for one thing and one thing only.....A FREE TACO.

Matt  2008  
Sure, today makes a fun moment and a great memory that I will always have to share with my boy, who is feverishly devoted to the game in his own right.   But, I cannot help but wonder, what it would take for the crowds to swarm after the gift of salvation.  After all, IT IS FREE!  Standing in line to get a free taco doesn't really require much of me. Maybe a few extra minutes of my day, but certainly nothing of lasting value, really.

Salvation is a free gift!  But first, we need to acknowledge our need before we can accept it.  Why is it so hard for us to acknowledge our need for a saviour, but we don't think twice about blowing 30 minutes to stand in line for a free taco (that we don't really need)?   There are no eternal rewards that come from eating a taco, but there certainly are rich and eternal rewards that come from accepting the free gift of salvation.  

in little less than a month, he'll be 21!  (time flies)

Jesus replied, "I am the bread of life.  No one who comes to me will ever be hungry again. Those who believe in me will never thirst.....For it is my Father's will that all who see his Son and believe in him should have eternal life."       JOHN 6: 35,40

Enjoy baseball! 
Eat a free taco! 
But do it all, acknowledging and accepting the Bread of Life! 


Thursday, February 23, 2017


An Exerpt (in highlighted purple italics below)is taken from one of my all time favorite books! (In My Father’s Vineyard, by Wayne Jacobsen)
I have led multiple small groups through this incredible book study. It offers very powerful principles that have been applied to raising my children, building relationships, leading people and walking out every single day of my own life, abiding in Him, "In My Father's Vineyard", one season at a time. Because stuff this good never grows old....and is meant to be shared often, I decided to pull it from the shelf, dust it off and crack it open again. I hope it speaks to you today.

***************** IN EVERY GRAPE, the history of the vine is told. If it was a good year and the vineyard was properly cared for, the fruit will burst with sweetness. If the vineyard was neglected, the fruit will be small and tart. FRUIT DOESN’T LIE.
The truth of a branch’s life is found in the harvest. The branch that remains in the Vine will reap an abundance of fruit, useful to the Master in extending his kingdom. His character, developed in the branch, will demonstrate his love and grace to others. However, there is a less joyful side to the harvest. The branch that did not pursue friendship with Jesus wholeheartedly but neglected spiritual nourishment will face a sad reality at harvest: puny fruit, or perhaps no fruit at all.
If we resisted the Master when he sought to train us to the wire or we cast off our fruit in the weariness of summer’s heat, the harvest will reveal what has happened. If we stay just close enough to Jesus to survive, our fruit (if any) will be pale and tasteless.
Worse yet, if we only pretended to draw life from Christ but in fact resisted his work in us while serving ourselves, our fruit will bear our own likenss and not his. FRUIT DOESN’T LIE. It expresses the life of the vine. That’s why scripture views the harvest in both positive and negative terms; it demonstrates the quality of our lives, whether good or bad.
Fruit cannot be faked. Though we may be able to pretend a godly attribute for a brief season, in weak and tired moments our lives will reveal our true choices, priorities and attachments. Fruit makes the invisible visible. It shatters all pretense and over time marks the true depth of our friendship with Jesus. Don’t expect grace to cover up your neglect by producing spiritual fruit. Grace restores us to God’s presence. Grace forgives our sins and offers us a fresh start. But grace will never produce fruit when we have not paid the price to remain in the Vine. It will not make up for the times when we have given in to the enemy’s deception. FRUIT DOESN’T LIE.
When it finally appears, it reveals what has been going on in the vineyard through all the seasons. And God’s harvest is often full of surprises. The people we thought were pursuing God may not turn out to be his followers at all. The activities and pursuits in our own lives may turn out to be fruitless--or they may produce the joyful confirmation that we remained in the Vine. *****************
I know the physical harvest may be far removed from our thoughts. Afterall, it is February. But don’t be fooled. The depth of our friendship with Jesus, will be measured by the fruit we bear, no matter what the season.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

No Good Thing Does He Withold! Savoring The Gifts.

Rushing through the crowds of holiday shoppers just a few short weeks ago,  it snuck right up on me, uninvited, yet so very welcome!    It's amazing how one piece of music can flood the soul and overwhelm the senses.  First I heard it playing loud through the mall and then a  joyful tear and a lump in my throat welled up.  Memories of preparation for that exquisite January wedding day stopped me right in my tracks and I savored the gift.....a very special one of a kind gift that required no wrapping, ribbons or even fancy bows.  

The very music (recorded above) that filled the holiday air, just so happened to be the same music that accompanied the processional of  brides maids, flower girls  and yes,  my own beautiful daughter, as she walked her wedding aisle exactly one year ago today.
(perfectly timed out and dramatized for effect--her grand, closed door entrance, happened at precisely 3:33 min) 

Psalm 84:11 says,  "The Lord bestows favor and honor.  No good thing does he withold from those who walk uprightly.  

What may appear to one as just another arrangement of music, becomes to another,  far reaching passion and emotion during an incredibly beautiful, bridal processional moment....A GOOD THING.    

What may appear to one holiday shopper as joyful music filling the air, becomes to this mother, a gift (of memories) that keeps on giving....A GOOD, GOOD THING. 

This past year as been one of watching my daughter embrace the marriage journey with joy and zeal and tenacity.  So today, just like one year ago...WE CELEBRATE (albeit just a little less exquisite).  The marriage journey is ever filled with new seasons, new hopes and dreams, new goals and purposes, new mountaintops and valley lows.   The memories will always remain our constant joy, but to all that lies ahead, the next year and the next, continue growing in grace, in love and in beauty. 
I'd say there isn't a finer piece of music that represents more completely the both of you, who you are, and what you share. 
         Christmas Eve 2016                   Wedding Day January 15, 2016

We Love You!