Thursday, September 28, 2017


 Realizing there are likely more years behind than in front, can be quite sobering.  But I learned a long time ago, put anything in the right perspective, and it becomes an opportunity.
In honor of ALL the seasons that have quietly shaped me,
In celebration of ALL the seasons that have loudly and boldly made me,              
And ALL the ones still to come, here are 50 LIFE LESSONS ON MY 50th     (#hashtagsincluded)

  1. FAITH, FRIENDS AND FAMILY…these are everything!
  2. Surround yourself with people who aren’t afraid to CELEBRATE you, CHALLENGE you, CARRY you… these make all the difference. (coming soon, in my blog:  A Portfolio Of Friendship—50 Years and Counting)
  3. Vulnerable communion is a risk….but a risk WELL WORTH taking.
  4. Communicate well! Listen well!
  5. FEAR GOD and OBEY HIS COMMANDS. (period)   Eccles 12: 13&14
  6. A STUDENT and a TEACHER….be willing to be both, IN EVERY SEASON!  
  7. Every road travelled teaches something new.  
  8. Experience is GREAT….Virtue and Character are GREATER.
  9. Fruit doesn’t lie! (and I’m not talking about apples, oranges and grapes) #thefruitofyourlife
  10. Meaning comes not from filling oneself up, rather it comes from pouring oneself out.  #bepouredout
  11. BE PROACTIVE!!---a great phrase, a great philosophy….just ask my kids.  
  12. Don’t put off for tomorrow, what you can do today. (kinduv goes hand in hand with being proactive)
  13. The Truth WILL set you free!  Always seek to KNOW The Truth.    
  14. Wisdom is a tree of life to those who embrace her; happy are those who hold her tightly.  Prov 3:18
  15. ACTIONS speak louder than WORDS. (lining them up, takes character and maturity)
  16. There IS power in prayer!  #prayoften   
  17. Spend LESS TIME keeping up and MORE TIME enjoying right where you’re at!  #golden
  18. There is a time for everything!  EXPECT CHANGE!  ACCEPT LIMITATIONS!  ENJOY LIFE!  Eccles 3
  19. Making a living isn’t the same thing as making a life.  #learnthedifferencefindthebalance
  20. A job worth doing is worth doing right!   #mymotto  
  21. On Parenting… THERE IS NO GREATER CALLING!!  #stewarditwell
  22. On being a BRIDE… It’s about your day!
  23. On being the MOTHER OF THE BRIDE…. It’s about your daughters day!  Knowing the difference allows for a perfect, beautiful, special, one-of-a-kind, forever memory, shared with deep joy and great honor.
  1. On the Empty Nest…it’s a time to reminisce, but more importantly, a time to re-discover. Falling in love with the same person over and over never gets old (but it does take intentional work and commitment).
  2. On Grandparenting...stay tuned, I’ll know in a few short weeks.  #JustcallmeNANA.
  3. On Failure…it isn’t as daunting at 50 as it was at 25. (I’ve experienced it, lived thru it & grown up because of it)
  4. On life’s hard knocks…don't fear them.  Face them! They refine, make wise and strong. #ittakesguts
  5. “There really is a silver lining in every cloud, you just have to want to see it.” -Alice Jane Blythe 1914-2016 (from my in-home interview with her in 1998) #sheisright

  6. Dark times are never easy, but just as the color black adds depth and contrast to the artist's creation, so the dark times in life add depth and contrast and give beauty to the whole.  
  7. Life’s brightest moments often come after the darkest hours. Scripture says it best, Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning. Psalm 30:5
  8. It takes GREAT TRUST to believe in the smallness of beginnings. (revelations from a church planters wife )
  9. First steps are the bravest, they start the journey.  Don’t fear the first steps…..
  10. But finish well too.  
  11. Look beyond your scope of comfort. There’s always more to see (the people in #2 will help you).
  12. Those who are confident are often misread by those who aren’t….BE CONFIDENT ANYWAY!
  13. The good you do today, won’t always be noticed.  DO GOOD ANYWAY!
  14. “Don’t compare what you know about yourself with what you don’t know about someone else.”  (wise words from a wise man, aka Pastor Rick, my husband of 26 years.)
  15. Country life, City life…they each have their place.  I much prefer the country.
  16. Open your windows and let the sunshine in.
  17. Eat healthy.  Indulge sparingly.  Exercise Regularly.
  18. Don’t be afraid to “pluck thistles” figuratively speaking….but, plant your fair share of flowers too.
  19. Black and White really is sometimes Gray… took me a long time (like 50 years) to learn this.
  20. There is always room at the table.  (evaluate often who is at your table)
  21. BUSY is a choice.  STRESS is a choice.  JOY is a choice.   #choosewell!
  22. Shake hands, look people in the eye and say PLEASE and THANK YOU  #commoncourtesy
  23. A merry heart doeth good, like medicine.  (Be Joyful)  Prov 17:22
  24. Laugh often, but don’t be afraid to cry either.
  25. SIMPLIFY….and when you lose sight, simplify again….and again.
  26. As much as my 40’s were fueled by ambition, I want my 50’s to be fueled by compassion.  
  27. Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.  They are new every morning.  Great is His Faithfulness, Oh Lord.  Lamentations 3:22-24
Hello 50,  I'm so Grateful! 
C R Y S T A L 

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