Sunday, May 13, 2018

The Hand That Rocks The Cradle Is The Hand That Rules The World

    My two-year-old daughter toddled down the ramp.   Boarding the plane to grandma's house (with stuffed animal in hand), she enthusiastically exclaimed...."it's the greatest adventure!"
(her independent, risk-taking spirit was already evident at the age of 2)

Sarah (3) and My mom in 1996 
Since that day, there's been a lot of great adventures!  Now, so many years later, she's on another "great adventure."  One that will last the rest of her existence...Motherhood.

In a 19th century poem, What Rules The World, penned by poet William Ross Wallas, he praises motherhood as the preeminent force for change in the world.  From his writing has come a famous saying that goes like this.   

"The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world." 
Talk to any mama, whether her children are grown up and gone or she's just starting out, the assignment of motherhood can at times seem monotonous, demanding, unglamorous, exhausting, isolating,  thankless and overwhelming...  i.e., far from ruling the world.  

But in time, sleepless nights give way to first steps, and all too soon, our babies are riding a bike, then learning to drive.  Thru the never-ending mountains of laundry, grade school, high school and college, the years pass by.   

Mother's Day is a special time to celebrate moms, everywhere.  But, it's also about celebrating the great adventures, influenced by mom, along the way.
Think about it, every day you have influences in your life, I have influences in my life, our children have influences in their lives, 
BUT profoundly influence like MOM!

Hadassah and Sarah - Mother's Day 2018

The Shaping

        The Loving
              The Forgiving
The Teaching
       The Praying
              The Playing
The Cheering
       The Believing
              The Guiding
The Saying I'm Sorry
The Late Night Talking
The Caring
       The Holding
              The Laughing
The Commitment,
The Investment, and on and on and on! 

The stage is being set for God's perfect design when one day the daily feeding and care of them no longer demand our undivided attention.  Of course, our lives remain interwoven and vitally connected thru every season, but with proud joy and honor, we pass the baton and the legacy continues.   

Watching first hand, 
a daughter giving birth, becoming a mother! 
The celebration of life, 
a new generation born.
Giving life to another human being doesn't just change makes you, for the rest of your existence!  

Me and Hadassah in March 2018 (at her new home in FL)

In just a few short weeks my baby girl will board a plane with her baby girl, from Florida to Pennsylvania.

 I'm embracing it ALL, because
 slowly and surely,
 "The hand that rocks the cradle IS the hand that rules the world!"

To all the wonderful moms out there, 
Keep rocking the cradle, 
Keep ruling the world. 

Crystal  (AKA, NANA) 

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