Monday, January 14, 2013

The Legend of the Monk and the Merchant

Set in Rome during the Renaissance, The Legend of the Monk and the Merchant is a compelling story of two friends.  Bonded together through their very different lives, their very different callings, and each leaving a very powerful legacy.   Not only is the reader left with a great and inspiring story, but also strong spiritual foundations and twelve keys to successful living.  
Whatever your mission in life, be it the ministry or the marketplace, this book will no doubt open your eyes and change the way you see opportunities of service and leadership all around you.    Also included in this book is a twelve week study guide suitable for individuals and small groups.  


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Tapestries, Thankfulness and Twenty Thirteen

There is something about the turn of the calendar page from December to January that spurs great reflection, more so than any other time.    2012 left me with a tangible list of 1000 gifts of thankfulness.   When I started this journey 365 days ago, I had no idea what an incredible birds eye view it would give to me in that time of reflection.  
Being able to step back and see the beauty adds such value, such purpose, not just in the successes and moments of celebration, but also in the pain of mistakes and regret along the way.  
I like to think of it as my tapestry of thankfulness in all things!
Sometimes in the day to day weaving, it's hard to see anything other than a jumbled fray of knots and random tangles.   The big picture is sometimes difficult to see.  It's not until you look from afar that you begin to see each color and texture and pattern has amazing purpose.  
"No thread of experience good or wasted."

#994. Kind-hearted people and good customer service. 
#995. Christmas traditions, bringing us together. 
#996. God's WORD, affirming me, reminding me, guiding me. 
#997. Memories of you....sister.
#998. The gray of winter outside my bedroom window----it makes the colors of spring that much more beautiful.
#999. Life.....coming full circle.  So profound!
#1000. The stroke of the clock at midnight, brings with it, a new year, a clean slate and endless possibilities.   

Here's to 2013 and all the moments of thankfulness that will be woven together, by His grace and for His purposes!