Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Central Market Christmas and a Flash Mob Hallelujah

A Central Market Christmas and a Flash Mob Hallelujah
Donning my scarf and gloves, I anticipate my very first outing to Lancaster’s down-town Historical Central Market.  Enjoying some freshly brewed java and conversation with a man I barely know, Christmas is surely in the air, and so are the beginnings of a lifetime together.    That was 21 years ago.    Today, just one week from Christmas, the spontaneity of our youth beckons and in an effort to get some exercise and still take in all the wonderful sights and sounds and smells of Christmas, we decide to revisit our “first date” and an early morning stroll through the beautiful downtown Historical Central Market.   This time, enjoying some freshly brewed java and conversation with a man I know well, we reminisce, round the corner and right there in the middle of all the commerce, witness a real live flash mob singing The Hallelujah Chorus.  It was as if in that moment, it WAS CHRISTMAS...for Heaven touched the earth…..heartwarming, beautiful and glorious.   No, we couldn’t have possibly imagined the lifetime of togetherness that was in store for us so long ago,  but neither could we have imagined today when we set out,  the gift that would refill our souls through a simple, yet festive stroll down memory lane…..FOR THE LORD GOD OMNIPOTENT REIGNETH, HALLELUJAH!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Going Deep----Always Starts With A Hunger

Gordon McDonald's Book, Going Deep was written in a rather slow moving, unique and fictional style.  Although his concepts and ideas of cultivating spiritual maturity and exhibiting a life-altering faith leave the reader extremely inspired, he doesn't leave the reader with tangible how-to's, that work in the real live "nitty-gritty" world.   One thing that was evident in the fictional CDP (cultivating deep people) initiative in the book, was, to go deep you have got to be hungry!   To go deep you have got to be committed!  It is one thing to take a fictional group of characters and portray hunger and commitment in order to achieve an end result/desire of Going Deep.   It is something that proves much more difficult when dealing with true humanity in the 21st century.   Until a second edition comes out that is "real life" tried and true, (I think we call it revival) , I will remain inspired  to get more get more committed....then and only then....are we GOING DEEP!
To comply with new Federal Trade Commission regulations, please note that this book was provided compliments of Booksneeze in exchange for an unbiased review.  

Monday, December 5, 2011

Intentional Adoration--A Meaningful Tradition

Oh how I love the special traditions of Christmas.  I especially love the ones that we have come to know and love since having children of our own.  One of our all time favorites through the years has been ADORE-NAMENTS!   12 special ornaments would be placed on the tree--each representing a different name of God.   For each of the 12 days leading up to Christmas we would take turns finding them and reflecting on the names of God.   Oh it started out simple, like a hide and seek game----very brief, as would be expected with toddlers, but through the years as the kids have grown, so have the reflections and readings....into something very deep and meaningful.   12 days of Intentional Adoration gives way to 365 days of Heartfelt Adoration.   Adoration to Him whose birth we celebrate.... Adoration to Him who sits on the throne both now and forevermore. 


Thursday, November 24, 2011

EARLY IN THE MORNING--My song will rise to Thee!

 For as long as I can remember the stillness of the early morning hours has always brought about a heightened sense of THANKSGIVING.   Growing up on a dairy farm, meant a lot of early mornings.    As I would trudge my way to the barn under the clear moonlit sky,  (even through my sleepy teenage eyes) there was a deep sense of peace that gave way to THANKFULNESS.   The early days of my professional career had me walking the streets from my 3rd floor apartment to the community hospital downtown for a double shift.  The only activity along the way was the flicker of the street lights and the corner bakery.  Yet again, a deep sense of goodness and joy gave way to THANKFULNESS.  Life would later bring with it wedding bells and precious little babies, and yep, you guessed it.....early morning hours.  As the glider moved back and forth, the sweetness and wonder of new seasons in life gave way to THANKFULNESS.   There have been some blunders along the way too.  Seasons that have spelled grief and heartache and pain, but even in those moments of early morning wakefulness, no one could deny that  God's presence right in the midst, left my heart overflowing with THANKFULNESS.   I rise early today, for there is much to do.  Food and tables to prepare, guests to entertain, friendship to be shared and so many blessings to count----but before I begin, I pause.  The sun is kissing the earth, a new day is dawning and in the perfect stillness, my heart is overflowing with a song of THANKSGIVING.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tea Time Thankfulness

 You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me. ~C.S. Lewis

Somehow, I don't even mind that the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting colder.  I've come to savor this time of year.  Just as the season of harvest is coming to an end and the fields are quieted for a much needed rest,  so do I settle in....with a good book, a cup of hot tea and a heart overflowing with THANKSGIVING.

It's the simple pleasures of autumn leaves and blue cloudless skies that stretch out with ease.  The north wind is blowing, the fire is glowing and my family knows abundance from diligently sowing.  As I gather my thoughts, and assess the results, I am blessed beyond measure with goodness I treasure.  Who would think through the rigors of life's daily clutter, would yield such contentment and peace for another.  I'm thankful for so many wonders discovered, yet so many more in life to uncover.  Faithful with all that you give to me Lord, in the stillness of my heart, I  long to give back to you so much more.   

Saturday, October 15, 2011

More Lost Than Found---Book Review

For anyone who has ever struggled with fitting into "church" or had questions about God, this book will reengage you in the truth you long to hear.   As the writer helps us to understand how and why we have arrived to where, what and who we are today, he also shows us  how we can give our faith another chance....with simplicity and validity.
The conversations and chapters in this book will steer us back to real truths, and what it means to be ALIVE.  The truth that Salvation did not come merely so we could sign a petition of beliefs, but that we could have a genuine, intimate relationship with God.  Not only is More Lost Than Found a great read, it is a tool that will engage you and help you find your rightful place in the greatest story ever told.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

It Is Well With My Soul

Ok, so after a day like yesterday I am thinking to myself, "they are gonna be hard pressed to beat that".  Sheila Walsh and Henry Cloud are certainly a tough act to follow in my book.  But, in pure Women Of Faith Style, they did it again. 

On the eve of the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 how appropriate it was to begin our time with an incredibly moving standing ovation for the men and women in uniform serving our country, and all those who bravely gave their lives for our freedom.   Just as we started our morning so we would end it.   A standing ovation, except this time for Heaven, as  Sheila sang How Great Thou Art. (I get goosebumps just typing it)
Mary and Mary Singing GOD BLESS AMERICA with Natalie Grant

Natalie Grant singing It Is Well

Through countless words of exhortation, psalms of praise, stories of brokenness and healing through more of God's promises and finally, Natalie Grant singing an acappella, spirit-lifting, heart-stopping rendition of IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL,  I was refilled with a keen sense of awareness & wonder (and yes, a few more goosebumps). 

The Sheperd knows where to find us (no matter what our trouble)-Sheila Walsh
God sees us even when we don't see him. - Lisa Harper
God takes our trash and turns it into treasure. - Nicole Johnson
He takes our pain and gives it purpose. - Nicole Johnson
Live a full life, make it count, because nobody said you couldn't. - Lucy Swindoll

Right down to the final song sung, the final word spoken, ten thousand women today had every reason to leave a hockey arena right in the heart of Phildadelphia with lifelong blessings pressed down shaken together and running over.   What started out for me as a blogging assignment during a season of tremendous change and some clouded vision, ended up being a Divine Appointment!   And that, Women of Faith, is well with my soul.


Friday, September 9, 2011

IMAGINE.....A Divine Appointment!

One cup of coffee and the morning rush of Philadelphia  behind me, when I find myself in the arena at my very first ever Women of Faith Conference.  The opening speaker takes the stage and shares that beautiful promise found in Ephesians 3:20 about "God doing exceedingly, abundantly more than we could ever think or imagine".  It was then I knew, this was far more than a fun day out with the girls or another opportunity to be filled up to full and overflowing with the Word, and a great lineup of amazing speakers.   You see, Ephesians 3:20 is one of my life verses, and for me, today turned out to be...     
Sheila Walsh
Henry Cloud
Sheila Walsh and Henry Cloud would share the stage for the better part of the day and WOW!   From laughter to tears and back again, here is a small glimpse of the full gamut  that fed our hearts, our minds and our souls.                                     

Changing seasons (look at every one through the window of the Word)
Brokeness revealed and hope restored (you can't have one without the other)
The promise of peace (John 14:27)
There is indeed a time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3)
The map and 4 corners of life patterns (you have GOT TO GO to corner 4)
And last, but certainly not least....
Healthy boundaries, realistic goals and a few monkies in our lives......IS ESSENTIAL).

Today was so much MORE than I could've ever imagined, but then again....what are divine appointments anyway?   I can't wait for tomorrow. 


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

WOMEN OF FAITH----48 hour countdown

Well the time has come.  In just 2 short days I will be making the trek into that most beloved city...PHILADELPHIA, to enjoy my very first ever Women of Faith Conference.   I am going with great expectation!  Not just for myself but for you too.   Check into my blog Friday night and Saturday night for tid-bits of truth, inspiration, and as always, writings from my keyboard that say it.....Crystal Clear.
Off to the city of Brotherly Love :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011


This summer surely goes down in the record books as one of a kind. With a relocation to Lancaster, a new church, a new job, new neighbors and my oldest daughter graduating high school and preparing for college, I can't think of a better way to wind down a season of mass transition than to clear the calendar, carve out some quiet time and refresh my soul.
Having the wonderful opportunity to attend the Women Of Faith Conference in Philadelphia, September 9 & 10 as a "BLOGGER" for that event, I'd like to personally invite you to share this inspiring journey with me, through my writing and also in previewing this video, (a precursor of what is to come.

See you in a few short weeks,

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Book Review -- Captured By Grace

Do you ever find yourself wondering how or where or even why GRACE fits into the everyday grind of humanity?  This book is for you.  Author David Jeremiah so simply and beautifully leaves the reader with a very clear, very biblical view of the plan of grace, the power of grace, the provision of grace, the promise of grace and yes, even the 7 wonders of grace.  He leaves no stone unturned considering grace for the past the present and the future.  And finally, he parallels the stories of two incredible lives....John Newton, an 18th century slave trader with the Apostle Paul and his Damascus Road experience.  Maybe you'll never write the worlds most beloved hymn, and maybe you'll never be an apostle, but, because no one is beyond the reach of a loving God, you too, can be CAPTURED BY GRACE.

Monday, July 18, 2011


The summer of 2011 has brought with it a lot of time "on the road". This past week I've covered well over 600 miles. For me, outside the context of vacation, that is A LOT!!! Being accustomed to a 4 minute ride to and from work for the past 4 years, and living a stones throw away from just about everything.....the long daylight hours of summer and knowing it is temporary, makes my 3 day a week commute(106 miles round trip to be exact)from Lancaster to Paoli bearable.

As the weekend neared, and I was anticipating some much needed close to home R & R, my calendar reminded me that this was the weekend to attend a family graduation party. Sure I wanted to be a part of this beautiful season of celebration and achievement, but even more, the quietness of home and the remaining clutter of unpacked boxes from our recent move was beckoning and would have to be put off yet again.

Hair pulled back, windows down and sunglasses donned, I set out. Before long, "ON THE ROAD AGAIN" began to take on a whole new meaning! So much more than another 200 miles logged, God in His faithfulness began to deposit reminders of richness and great delight in the depths of my being. Although I hadn't traveled these roads in years, they were still familiar to me from days gone by. Sights and memories of time spent with loved ones who were no more, experiences and moments in time that have shaped and defined who I am today, began to flood by heart.

The Susquehanna River stretched out as far as the eye could see---weekend long canoe trips on those waters were a great activity for building character and enjoying God's creation.
The Daily Item Newspaper post box displayed in front of every house---that was Granddpap's route more than 30 years ago. We would help him with it during our weekly summer visits and he'd always treat us to an ice cream cone afterwards. Not only was it good for building discipline and work ethic, it also affirmed that we were loved and appreciated.
The Shadow Mountain Road/Inn---A place that used to spook me, when we'd drive by at night. Today the mountain doesn't appear so vast and the Inn is a small roadside shanty. Oh how perspective changes.

I was making good on time and well ahead of schedule when I decided to pull off and sit by the road a bit. Oh she hadn't occupied that place for 30 some years, but flashbacks of walking in the pasture, having an Easter Egg Hunt on the front lawn and sitting on the front porch with Grandma quickly flooded my mind. You know when they say it is the little things? It really is the little things that sit deep within, instilling a sure and confident foundation, that enable us to be something great. I am so thankful that my heritage equipped me with deep, satisfying, God-fearing roots that yield a solid, confident, happy and purposeful life.

Numerous other roadside stops along the way brought specific remembrances to mind. The time my children (who were much younger then) and aunt Cindy laughed and giggled til it hurt. Oh to have one more laugh with my sister. But, because I don't I wipe the tears and find great joy in the bond we shared.

Do I feel better when my house is clean and in order and there are no more boxes sitting around? Yes Indeedy!
But for today, "On the road again" I delight in that which gives me joy and confidence. When I ponder all the special memories of yesterday, I am reminded of my true purpose and that builds even greater hope for the future....A Graduation Celebration Indeed!


Saturday, May 7, 2011


A dark, stately looking bookcase sits with grandeur, in one corner of my living room, reserved for my “most treasured” books and trinkets. I could put together a prize-winning display of books that I’ve collected on Motherhood. Many I have received as gifts from friends young and old, and many containing personalized, handwritten messages tucked inside the front cover…..affirming me, encouraging me, inspiring me. Did I mention the “grade-school” pottery? The joy that went into those proudly crafted pieces of art work created just for me….because I was “mom” have also earned a forever place on those shelves behind the glass doors.
An autumn evening and I was cleaning up the dishes, when the phone rang. Overcome with weakness and the battle against cancer, my sister found the strength to leave a “few last words” with me. “Thank you for being a Godly mom, an amazing mom. Sarah and Matt are so lucky to have you. Through the good the bad, the joy the sorrow, the ups and downs, you have stayed the course, and never stopped walking faithfully. Now the fruit of their lives is showing forth. Your labors and example have not been in vain and you deserve to be proud.” Hanging up the phone, I pondered and gave thanks for the amazing example I had in my own mother, found the nearest box of tissues and just wept. Of all the things she felt worthy to highlight in our 42 years together, it was MOTHERHOOD. What an honor!! You see, there is a saying that goes , “ The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation”. Although I don’t always see it…… in a very profound way that night, through the words of my dying sister, I knew it. 24 hours later she would be in Heaven.
From the triumphant, to the trivial, and yes, even the tragic, motherhood demands the best I have. Some days I get it right, some days well, not really. Dedicating myself first and foremost to the strengthening of my home hasn’t always been easy or without sacrifice. There are moments that call for putting my nose to the grind, putting my knees to the floor and not quitting. Then there are those moments where I quiet my heart, pull a book from the shelf, or remember a phone conversation and realize, I am blessed with the “most treasured” name on earth…....MOTHER