Thursday, May 24, 2018


I admit it!  I'm somewhat of a photo junkie.  Taking pictures has been a hobby  (an obsession) for as long as I can remember.  The evidence is everywhere!  In my prized collection of scrapbooks, in boxes and boxes of prints (from way before the digital age), and NOW in files and files of electronically organized photos... each good (and not so good picture) tells a story!

Capturing each moment along the way has brought me great joy!  The art and science of photography (and sometimes even a little irritation from my teenage subjects), has been a great way to mark the past, the present, and yes, even the future.

My husband and (now) adult children, (those once slightly irritated teens) have come to fully appreciate my picture taking habits.  Recently, (for Mother's Day) they gifted me a brand new camera.  I've gotten some great shots over the years with simple cameras, and I love my iPhone camera, but this one is a "fancy one",  loaded with lots of settings and lens options.   It's been fun experimenting, learning new techniques and angles and lighting features... all for the sake of capturing the moment...with creativity...quality...and you know, "THE PERFECT SHOT" 

Interestingly, as I expand my lens on photography, I am learning it isn't just about a hobby, it's becoming a daily reminder to expand my lens on life (my perspective if you will),  allowing me to push beyond my narrow borders---both physically and spiritually, to sit (or stand) in awesome wonder!  To consider, ALL Thy Hands have made. To take in, ALL of His creation.

I am reminded of the English merchant and a renowned poet who stood watching the sun come up out of the sea.  The bright yellow disk of the sun emerged, gilding the water and painting the sky with a thousand colors.   "Ah! I see gold!" the merchant said.  The poet answered, "I see the glory of God! And I hear a multitude of the heavenly host crying, "the whole earth is full of His glory."
one of my favorites- Wrightsville Bridge

There is a myriad of people, places and things I am already planning to capture through my "Canon Lens",  but what about the lens of a busy life, filled with noise that I sometimes have to sift thru? What about the circumstances where I struggle to see the beauty,  the desperate needs in the lives of so many, overwhelming me at every corner?

Whether it be photography, some other form of creative interest, or just plain ole' good intention and discipline...

Let us push back the narrow borders of our individual worlds, let us refocus our lens.  Through the BEAUTY and the BROKEN,  let us take in the WHOLE creation of God.


Thou art worthy,  Lord to receive glory and honour and power; 
for thou has created all things.
Revelation 4:11 

Taken in Alaska in 2016

A recent favorite...not taken by me, of course :)  

Hadassah sending Uncle Matt graduation well wishes

Sunday, May 13, 2018

The Hand That Rocks The Cradle Is The Hand That Rules The World

    My two-year-old daughter toddled down the ramp.   Boarding the plane to grandma's house (with stuffed animal in hand), she enthusiastically exclaimed...."it's the greatest adventure!"
(her independent, risk-taking spirit was already evident at the age of 2)

Sarah (3) and My mom in 1996 
Since that day, there's been a lot of great adventures!  Now, so many years later, she's on another "great adventure."  One that will last the rest of her existence...Motherhood.

In a 19th century poem, What Rules The World, penned by poet William Ross Wallas, he praises motherhood as the preeminent force for change in the world.  From his writing has come a famous saying that goes like this.   

"The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world." 
Talk to any mama, whether her children are grown up and gone or she's just starting out, the assignment of motherhood can at times seem monotonous, demanding, unglamorous, exhausting, isolating,  thankless and overwhelming...  i.e., far from ruling the world.  

But in time, sleepless nights give way to first steps, and all too soon, our babies are riding a bike, then learning to drive.  Thru the never-ending mountains of laundry, grade school, high school and college, the years pass by.   

Mother's Day is a special time to celebrate moms, everywhere.  But, it's also about celebrating the great adventures, influenced by mom, along the way.
Think about it, every day you have influences in your life, I have influences in my life, our children have influences in their lives, 
BUT profoundly influence like MOM!

Hadassah and Sarah - Mother's Day 2018

The Shaping

        The Loving
              The Forgiving
The Teaching
       The Praying
              The Playing
The Cheering
       The Believing
              The Guiding
The Saying I'm Sorry
The Late Night Talking
The Caring
       The Holding
              The Laughing
The Commitment,
The Investment, and on and on and on! 

The stage is being set for God's perfect design when one day the daily feeding and care of them no longer demand our undivided attention.  Of course, our lives remain interwoven and vitally connected thru every season, but with proud joy and honor, we pass the baton and the legacy continues.   

Watching first hand, 
a daughter giving birth, becoming a mother! 
The celebration of life, 
a new generation born.
Giving life to another human being doesn't just change makes you, for the rest of your existence!  

Me and Hadassah in March 2018 (at her new home in FL)

In just a few short weeks my baby girl will board a plane with her baby girl, from Florida to Pennsylvania.

 I'm embracing it ALL, because
 slowly and surely,
 "The hand that rocks the cradle IS the hand that rules the world!"

To all the wonderful moms out there, 
Keep rocking the cradle, 
Keep ruling the world. 

Crystal  (AKA, NANA) 

Thursday, May 10, 2018

The Power Of A Praying Mom.

One of the greatest blessings in my life as a DAUGHTER has been the power of a praying mom.  My life has been guided and blessed immeasurably because of my mom and her prayers. 
One of the greatest blessings in my life as a MOM has been praying for my own children, pouring my heart out like water before the face of the Lord, on their behalf.  

For 4 years now,  conversations and praying together during finals (over the phone) have held a special place in my heart.  
The reality of my son's college graduation (in a few short days) was hitting home, and tonight as we prayed together,
"one last time before finals"
my heart was filled with a bittersweet gratitude.  
I've learned a lot about prayer over the years.

Raising a daughter, who is now a mom of her own
 Raising a son, who is celebrating one chapter closing, and a new one beginning,
(with a great husband and father by my side)
I have known the joy of prayer, the urgency of prayer, the discipline of prayer, 

4 Generations -- Me, my mom, my daughter and grandaughter

Celebrating Matt's 21st birthday (last year) 

"Prayer is acknowledging and experiencing the presence of God and inviting His presence into every aspect of our lives and circumstances.  It's seeking the presence of God and releasing the power of God which gives us the means to overcome anything.  Praying not only affects us, it also reaches out and touches those for whom we pray.  When we pray for our children, we are asking God to make His presence a part of their lives and work powerfully on their behalf. All that needs to happen in our lives and the lives of our children, cannot happen without the presence  and power of God.  Prayer invites and ignites both!" 1
Whether you are MOM to a 2-year-old or a 22-year-old, (or maybe both)
won't you pour out your heart like water before the face of the Lord?  
Lift your hands toward Him for the life of your children. 
Lamentations 2:19 



  The Power Of A Praying Parent, Stormie Omartian  Copyright 1995